
Literatur zu den borealen Wäldern
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Taiga. Die borealen Wälder - Holzmine für die Welt.
von Rudolf Fenner (Herausgeber), Robin Wood (Herausgeber)
Seit dem Ende der Sowjetunion haben deutsche, kanadische und japanische Holzkonsortien mit
dem systematischen Abholzen der Taiga-Wälder begonnen. Unter diesen Wäldern lagern 40
Prozent der Kohlendioxid-Vorkommen der Erde, die durch die Abholzung freigesetzt werden und
zu Klimaschäden ungeahnten Ausmaßes führen werden.
Experten warnen seit langem vor dieser Vernichtung der Borealen Wälder, die schlimmere
Auswirkungen auf Umwelt und Klima haben werden als die Abholzung der tropischen
Regenwälder.Diese und weitere Fragen behandelt der vorliegende Band.
Die borealen Waldländer.
von Uwe Treter
Geographisches Lehrbuch aus dem Westermann Verlag.
Kanadas vergessene Küste. Im Regenwald des Großen Bären.
von Ian McAllister, Karen McAllister, Cameron Young, Elke Emshoff (Mitarbeiter), Jürgen F. Boden (Herausgeber)
Wunderschöner Bildband zu den gemässigten Regenwäldern an Kanadas Westküste.
Seeing the Forest Among the Trees
by Herb Hammond
Seeing the Forest Among the Trees is a personal
statement, reflecting Herb Hammond's love and knowledge
of the forest and his disillusionment with current forestry
practices. It presents a wide ranging discussion of many
aspects of forests - such as ecology, economics, politics,
and spiritual values - and examines these issues in a
format readily understandable to the lay reader. Essentially
a forest ecology text, it contains basic information about
forests, not just as groups of trees, but as a living
whole...as a complex web of interacting organisms.
Vanishing Halo: Saving the Boreal Forest
by Daniel Gawthrop, David Suzuki
Named after Boreas, Greek god of the north wind, the boreal forest, or taiga, is the largest forest
ecosystem in the world and encircles the northern latitudes of the globe like a giant green halo, broken
only by the Bering Sea. Described as the earth's northern lungs, it plays a crucial role in protecting the
planet from global warming-and yet the boreal forest is vanishing, leaving us more vulnerable to the
effects of climate change than ever.
In this lucid and vivid text, author Daniel Gawthrop describes what the boreal forest is, why it is so
important, and why so many people know so little about it. He introduces us to the amazing variety of
plant and animal life found within the forest, discusses the dramatic threat human activity poses to it
and examines the many promising solutions that environmentalists and industrial developers are
actively seeking.
Canada's Boreal Forest
by J. David Henry, Michael Viney
In Canada alone, the boreal forest (also called the taiga) covers more that 1.5 million square miles,
fully one-third of the country and 20 percent of the entire North American continent. Terminating to
the north with the treeless tundra, this region is inhabited and utilized by indigenous people and is home
to unique populations of plants and animals found nowhere else on the planet. J. David Henry
challenges the perception of the boreal forest as an "economic wasteland" by explaining how
economically and ecologically valuable it is. He begins by answering some common questions about
the region and explains its intricate geology. An in-depth examination follows of three factors that play
an enormous role in shaping the complex life of the boreal forest: snow, forest fires, and peatlands.
Henry looks at the dynamics of the region's vegetation and the evolution of its animals, and discusses
the fascinating ten-year predator-prey cycle of snowshoe hares and Canadian lynx, one of the most
famous examples of ecological interconnection. In Canada's boreal forest, loggers have clear cut an
area the size of Great Britain. The final portion of the book examines initiatives from Scandinavia and
Finland in order to offer alternatives to large-scale logging and mining, suggesting how humans can live
and work in the boreal forest in a sustainable and responsible manner.
The Great Northern Kingdom: Life in the Boreal Forest
by Wayne Lynch (Photographer), Aubrey Lang
Spreading across the top of North America from Alaska to Newfoundland, and sweeping across the
breadth of Russia to the fjords of western Scandinavia, is the great northern forest. An immense
swatch of spruce, fir, larch, and aspen, it is arguably the largest forest ecosystem in the world. In THE
BOREAL KINGDOM, noted science writer, naturalist and wildlife photographer Wayne Lynch
examines the animals and plants of this mighty forest as the seasons unfold.
A Walk in the Boreal Forest
by Rebecca L. Johnson, Phyllis V. Saroff (Illustrator)
A fine overview of the plant and animal life of the boreal forest. A map of North America
early in the book delineates the location of this biome, which stretches across much of Canada and
dips into limited areas of the northern United States. Johnson explains the interrelated nature of life in
any biome and introduces a variety of birds and other animals that live together in this one. Excellent
full-color photographs capture the beauty of the huge spruce, pine, and other trees as well as smaller
plants. Close-ups of animals from tiny deer mice to the rapacious wolverine accompany brief
introductions to many forest inhabitants. The author also discusses the climate, particularly how
various animals deal with the lengthy winter. Fact boxes with sketches are well placed and do not
detract from the book's pleasing arrangement of text and visual information. A well-crafted
introduction to an area little explored in children's books.
Nature in Northern Europe
Eeva-Liisa Hallanaro and Marja Pylvanainen
Contains a wealth of information about a region extending from Iceland's rugged
lava fields to the ancient forests of northwestern Russia, and from Denmarks
fertile farmlands to the windswept arctic islands of Svalbard. The book is the
result of several years of co-operation involving experts from ten countries.
Facts and figures are clearly presented in maps and diagrams. Fully indexed and
Taiga (Biomes of the World)
by Elizabeth Kaplan
Two sound additions to the study of biomes. The taiga is the extensive forest in the
Northern Hemisphere spanning Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia. Chaparral is located
between desert and grassland or forest and grassland; the five main areas are the coasts along the
Mediterranean, areas of western North America from Oregon to Baja California, southwestern
Australia, central Chile, and the southern tip of Africa. Each title discusses the climate and its effect
on soil, vegetation, and wildlife; general landscape; plant and animal life; and cycles of life through
each season. In addition to natural changes, the ecological effects of humans from early civilizations
to the present are included. Destruction of forest, soil erosion, endangerment or extinction of
wildlife, fire, and acid rain are among the topics addressed. April Pulley Sayre's Taiga (21st
Century, 1994) presents much of the same material about this biome but has a less attractive format,
fewer illustrations, and photographs of uneven quality. These two new titles are well written, share
an attractive format with generous use of sharp, full-color photographs and charts, and should be
very useful for reports.
Indians of the Pacific Northwest: A History
by Robert H. Ruby, Robt Ruby, Alvin M., Jr. Josephy (Designer)
A Guide to the Indian Tribes of the Pacific Northwest
by Robert H. Ruby, Brown John A., John A. Brown (Contributor)
In this excursion into historical facts and figures about more than 150 native groups in the U.S.
Pacific Northwest, the authors give a nutshell history of each group through the eyes of missionaries,
explorers, and government officials. A companion volume to their Indians of the Pacific Northwest (
LJ 9/15/81), this is primarily useful for informaton on lesser-known tribes, 20th-century land-claim
settlements, and the activities of today's tribal organizations. The information included goes beyond
Frederick Hodge's classic Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico (1910; 1975. reprint)
and John Swanton's The Indian Tribes of North America ( 1952; 1968. reprint).
Die Saami. Indigenes Volk am Anfang Europas.
Deutsch-Russisches Zentrum zu Leipzig
Anxious North: Indigenous Peoples in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia
Bezugsquelle: IWGIA.
The Future of Forest Conservation in Russia
The Challenges Facing Forests and Strategies for Addressing Them
Edited by A Deutz, D Cantin, A Laletin, V Teplyakov and V Moshkalo(IUCN)
At the Cutting Edge
The Crisis in Canada's Forests
Elizabeth May
Well-researched report, arguing that Canadian forestry is on the brink of
collapse as a result of unsustainable practices, themselves due to global market
The Tragedy of Industrial Forestry
Edited by Bill Devall
Eulogy for the old-growth forests of the Pacific Northwest, with contributions
from Dave Foreman, Earth First! co-founder, and conservation biologist Reed
Noss. 294 pages, 98 col & 78 b/w photos, distribution maps.
Timber Wars
Judi Bari
Fiercely uncompromising, Judi Barr documents life in defense of the forest,
working as part of Earth First! to oppose logging of old growth trees in Northern
The Rain Forests of Home: Profile of a North American Bioregion
by Peter K. Schoonmaker (Editor), Bettina Von Hagan (Editor), Edward C. Wolf (Editor), Patricia Marchak
Umfassender Überblick über die gemässigten Regenwälder an der Nordwest-Küste der USA. Behandelt geographische, ökologische,
historische und soziologische Fragen der Region. Ein Highlight sind die vielen Positivprojektbeschreibungen, die auch für andere Regionen
eine hilfreiche Sammlung von praxiserprobten Ideen abgibt.
The Redwood Forest
History, Ecology, and Conservation of the Coast Redwoods
Edited by Reed F Noss
The Russian Far East
Forest, Biodiversity Hotspots and Industrial Developments
Edited by Josh Newell and Emma Wilson
An essential reference for anyone concerned with the preservation of this focal
point in environmental discussion. Each regional study contains: hotspot
factsheets; an ecological and economic overview; an overview of the
indigenous peoples in each region; forests and forestry; industrial development
to watch; the existing protected-area system; biodiversity hotspots;
Taiga (Biomes Atlases)
by Trevor Day
Expected January 2003.
Boreal Forests and Global Change
The objective of the September 1994 conference was to bring together scientists, engineers,
economists, and policy makers to examine the long-term sustainability of global boreal forests, by
considering the interactions among forest management practices, ecosystem carbon cycling, and global
change. Some 50 peer-reviewed papers provide scientific, economic, and policy perspectives on global
boreal forests at local, regional, and global scales. The papers are grouped into four sections: forest
management (including biodiversity and socioeconomic issues), carbon cycling, climate change, and
advanced technologies. (cost more than $300).
Fire, Climate Change, and Carbon Cycling in the Boreal Forest
by Eric S. Kasischke (Editor), Brian J. Stocks (Editor)
In boreal forests, which contain large amounts of the world's terrestrial organic carbon, fire is a
natural and fundamental disturbance regime essential in controlling many ecosystem processes. As a
result of predicted climate change in the future, the fire regime and, consequently, the forest cover
and carbon storage of boreal regions will undergo dramatic alterations. This volume discusses the
direct and indirect mechanisms by which fire and climate interact to influence carbon cycling in
North American boreal forests. The first section summarizes the information needed to understand
and manage fire's effects on the ecology of boreal forests and its influence on global climate change
issues. Following chapters discuss in detail the role of fire in the ecology of boreal forests.
Subsequent sections present data sets on fire and the distribution of carbon, discuss the use of
satellite imagery in monitoring these regions and discuss approaches to modeling the relevant
processes. The book offers the following new results: * improved estimates of carbon released
during fires at a variety of scales, from individual sites to the entire North American boreal forest
region * direct evidence of enhanced soil respiration after fire in Alaskan boreal forests * studies of
the influence of fire on long-term forest-succession patterns * modeling results of the effects of
climate warming on the fire regime * examples of the use of satellite imagery to monitor surface
characteristics important in carbon cycling * modeling results of how climate change will interact
with the fire regime to influence carbon storage Perspectives on Eurasian and Russian boreal forest
fire management policies and research are also included.
Atlas of Russia's Intact Forest Landscapes
Dmitry Dobyrnin, A Isaev and Lars Laestadius
A new study by Global Forest Watch Russia shows that only about a quarter of
the forest zone of Russia is still in large blocks of road-less wilderness - so
called intact forest landscapes (also known as frontier forests). This is less than
the previous estimate of more than two fifths. This atlas is based on GFW
Die Vergessenen der Taiga.
von Wasseli Peskow
Ein außergewöhnliches Abenteuer in einem der letzten unberührten Landstriche der Welt. Ende
der 70er Jahre fliegen russische Geologen über die menschenleere Taiga und entdecken, fernab
der Zivilisation, eine Familie, die seit einem halben Jahrhundert in völliger Abgeschiedenheit lebt.
Wassili Peskow besuchte die "Vergessenen der Taiga" in der kaum zugänglichen Wildnis und
fragte nach, warum Menschen ins 18. Jahrhundert auswandern.
Und hier geht es zur Literatur über Wälder allgemein, über heimische Wälder und über die Tropen.